Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General session Board Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2002
Location: City Hall, Main St., Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Ray Eklund, Theresa Mann
Elizabeth Martin, Bruce Reichert
1) Minutes: Bruce made a motion that the minutes of the November 2002 meeting be approved as written. Ray seconded the motion and the Board unanimously agreed.
2) Financials:
· Theresa reported that Carolyn had provided the Monthly Financial report that there was a checking account balance of $7,177.12 with $830.00 to be deposited and a reserve account balance of $55,952.99. Elizabeth made a motion that the financial report be approved; Theresa seconded and the Board unanimously agreed.
· Theresa advised that the billing for the welding work on the water tank had been received however, the bill did not provide an itemization of the hours worked for the labor charges. The Board agreed that additional information should be obtained prior to payment. Theresa will contact the company for additional information.
· The billing from Domestic Pump and Drilling is anticipated in December as work on one well is being completed at this time. After discussion, the Board agreed that billing should be paid directly from the reserve account.
· The Board agreed that payment to the road contractor could also be made directly from the reserve account, rather than transferring monies to the checking account.
3) Manager’s Report:
· Matt Williston reported that the water storage tank had been welded and covered. He said that the WLC tank had also been installed. He indicated that, following discussion with Loyal Willis and Bob Tompkins, they suggest the Board consider replacing the old water storage tank in the near future – perhaps spring of 2003. Based on the information received from WLC, it appears the cost of a new tank is approximately $10,000.00. The Board will need to research the requirements, regulations and total cost of tank replacement.
· Matt did not have access to updated information on the status of the current work being done on the well. Theresa stated that she had talked with Sylvan Adamson of Domestic Pump and Drilling prior to he meeting this evening and he advised that they had drilled to approximately 550 feet and will stop at that level. Though this will increase our water, the production is not as great as had been desired. Pumps will be replaced in the well they are currently working and in the best producing well. They will be back in the spring to increase the depth of two other wells. Bruce will talk with a geologist acquaintance for some direction on obtaining additional information regarding well depths.
· Matt indicated that, due to the amount of time spent supervising the work on the water tank, he had not identified /marked trees that need to be removed.
· He indicated that WLC was in the process of completing the removal of tree stumps along Meadow Dr.
· He asked about the possibility of the Board setting up accounts with some the vendors with which we do business. He provided an application for credit with Home Depot. The Board will review the possibility.
· Matt reported that the gate had been broken a number of times during the past month. There was discussion regarding gate openers – information is provided in the welcome packet. Elizabeth will contact a few businesses to determine cost if purchased in a large quantity.
· Matt said that Danny Gardner had indicated that the ditch pulling had been done, where needed, and that some of the ditches did not need to be done this fall. Brent suggested that Gardners be contacted to be sure that everything necessary has been done for this winter. If so, we will then ask that all ditches be pulled again in the spring of 2003.
4) Newsletter Articles:
· Elizabeth had requested reports from Board members be provided to her by December 16 to allow time to prepare the December newsletter for mailing on Dec. 23.
· Elizabeth has compiled a listing of all available email addresses for property owners. She will send a message to all addresses to determine which are still current. An article will be put in the newsletter requesting that owners who would like to be added to the list provide their email address.
· The gate code change information will be provided in the newsletter, advising that the change will take place on February 1, 2003.
5) Web Site: Bruce provided information regarding the preparations for the Duquette Pines Web Site. He has forwarded the site information showing samples of plans. He has been doing the work himself, eliminating any cost to Duquette Pines. He’ll continue to work on this and will provide information in the newsletter. When the ‘final product’ is ready for implementation, we will consider combining the Web Site and the Duquette email address through the same provider.
6) Meeting Adjourned