Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
August 5, 2003
Location: Boise Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Theresa Mann, Elizabeth Martin,
Bruce Reichert, Loyal Willis
1) Minutes of July 1, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved.
2) Financial report: checking account $3,745.62 and reserve account of $63,475.11.
3) Managers report:
· Jim White reported that the backhoe work has been done in preparation for deepening two wells. The ‘stop and waste’ valve will be replaced when the wells work is completed.
· A small leak has been identified and the necessary valves have been purchased for repair.
· As WLC will be working on the gate, Jim will delay additional work on the gate mechanism until the gatehouse has been moved.
· Jim will have the malfunctioning water meter repaired, rather than purchasing a new one.
· Jim will contact Bob Tompkins to arrange a meeting to discuss water/road issues with Jim, Loyal and Brent and to transition the work Bob has been doing to Jim.
· Jim has been identifying and notifying property owners of dead trees that need to be removed.
· Loyal will continue to try to contact Dave Adamsom regarding the well work (deepening) to be done. Adamson is preparing the necessary DEQ paperwork for that work.
· Jim will contact Gardner Construction regarding speed bumps after WLC completes work on Meadow Dr.
4) Correspondence:
· Alan Bateman had requested information regarding water hook-up. Theresa placed a call to Mr. Bateman and will provide information upon his return call.
· Bruce received a call from a resident with questions regarding the speed limits placed on Bear Run Rd. and on Meadow Dr. between the gate and Bear Run Rd. Ray Eklund was present at this meeting and indicated that, on behalf of the Board, he had received information from the County in June, 2003 in regard to speed on Meadow Rd. ONLY, between the switchback and the gate. He said there was no discussion, on behalf of Duquette Pines, in regard to Bear Run Rd. The County advised that THEY had already made plans in regard to a speed limit on Bear Run Rd. Signs currently in place indicate that the County has identified/placed speed limits of 25 miles per hour on Bear Run Rd. and 20 miles per hour on Meadow Dr. between Bear Run Rd. and the gate.
5) Wildfire prevention:
· Jim White reported that he received information from Don Dittmer, of Future Forests, and Max ? regarding a possible grant for use in educating homeowners about cleanup/fire prevention. Jim will maintain contact with these representatives to determine availability of grant monies for Duquette Pines.
· Bruce will draft a letter to BLM regarding Duqette Pines property owner’s interest in cleanup of BLM land adjacent to Duquette Pines.
6) The Board acknowledged the valuable work Carolyn Tompkins has done in creating the existing bookkeeping system and her continued work for the Subdivision. The Board discussed transitioning the bookkeeping services Carolyn performs to a local resident/bookkeeper. Theresa and Elizabeth will review the workload and discuss with Carolyn.
7) Election of officers: Bruce made a motion that the current officers retain the same positions. The exception is the position of vice president. Theresa nominated Bruce Reichert for the position of vice president. Brent seconded the motion. Elizabeth seconded Bruce’s motion regarding retaining all other existing officers in their current positions. The Board unanimously agreed. President: Brent Adamson. Vice President: Bruce Reichert. Secretary/Treasurer: position shared by Theresa Mann and Elizabeth Martin.
8) Meeting adjourned