Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2003
Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Theresa Mann
Elizabeth Martin, Loyal Willis
1) Minutes: Following a motion by Bruce, seconded by Elizabeth, the minutes of the Nov. 4, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved.
2) Financials: Theresa reported that Marcy Rowe provided account information showing a checking account balance of $3,120.52 and money market reserve account balance of $51,931.87. Payment for the recent work on the wells will be paid directly from the reserve account. Marcy provided end-of-month account/budget information and will identify the reports that can be accessed to provide the Board at each meeting. The Board approved the financial report. The Board approved purchase of the upgrade to Quickbooks ($160.00) and the annual fee of $160.00 for the Quickbooks Annual Tax upgrade, allowing appropriate use of the programs for payroll.
3) Manager’s report: Jim White reported on the following:
· The work to deepen the second well was completed on Dec. 2, 2003. The well was producing at a minimum of 10 gallons per minutes. A stop and waste valve was replaced and the wiring has been completed so that the signal lights are work properly. A new pump was installed. Jim will provide an article for the newsletter and website updating information on the status of the wells. Brent advised that DEQ has funding available for training in the Small Water Systems. Jason Rowe is interested in obtaining a Water Certification. The Board agreed it is appropriate to have an additional person certified to do the necessary water testing. Brent will provide the necessary information to Jim and Jason. Brent and Jim will work with Bob Tompkins in Dec. to transition Brent to begin doing the monthly water testing.
· Jim provided additional information regarding CCR violations for the Boards review.
· Jim discussed the potential need for hiring assistants. The Board advised Jim of the names of individuals who had been hired in the past. If those people aren’t available, Jim will locate and hire someone to assist. He will let the Board and/or Marcy Rowe know if that occurs so that appropriate employee documentation can be obtained.
4) CCR Violations: Elizabeth will send the initial letter to property owners of a recently identified CCR violation regarding inoperable vehicles. She will also prepare a letter to be sent to property owners who have renters in residence, requesting the owner provide the Board with information allowing the Board to be able to contact the renter for emergency situations.
5) Well update: As the new process for deepening the well provided good results, additional work on other wells will be considered as needed. The Board will consider having a third well deepened in the spring of 2004.
6) New business: Elizabeth said that Julie Randolph has offered to prepare the quarterly newsletter. The Board members and Manager will provide the articles to Elizabeth to be forwarded to Julie.
7) Meeting adjourned