Duquette Pines Homeowners Association

General Session Board Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2003

Location: City Hall, Main St., Idaho City, Id


Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Theresa Mann, Elizabeth Martin


1)      Minutes: Elizabeth made a motion that the minutes of the Dec. 2, 2002 meeting be approved as written. Theresa seconded the motion and the Board unanimously agreed.

2)      Financials:

·        Theresa reported that Carolyn had provided the Monthly Financial report for Dec. 2002 that there was a checking account balance of $7, 875.32 and a reserve account balance of $55,952.99.  An additional  $1,260.00 was deposited to the checking account on Jan. 7, 2002.  Monthly utility bills, water testing/lab bills and payroll will be paid from the checking account. The payment to Sylvan Adamson for the well work was paid directly from the reserve account in the amount of  $13,130.14 since Carolyn’s report, reducing the reserve balance to $42,822.85.

·        Theresa reported that Carolyn had provided information regarding a reduction in the mileage rate from $ .365 to $ .36 per mile.

·        Elizabeth made a motion the financial report be approved. Theresa seconded the motion and the Board unanimously agreed.

3)      Manager’s Report:

·        Matt advised that he will change the gate code on February 3, 2003 at approximately 6:30am – 8:00 am.

·        Matt identified a valve leaking near the Woodworth property. As it is only a minimal leak, and considering the necessity of leaving some water running due to the below freezing temperatures, it was decided that it is best to wait until spring to evaluate and make any necessary repairs.

·        Trees – Matt identified a few trees that need to be removed. Due to the current weather conditions, he intends to do a more thorough identification in the spring.

4)      Web Site: Bruce will report on the progress of the web site at the February meeting. Elizabeth is compiling a listing of e-mail addresses of those owners interested in obtaining information through the web site.

5)      Correspondence:

·        Brent reported that he had provided Building Plan Guidelines to Jon Long, Sr.

·        Elizabeth agreed to work on modifying the Welcome Packet to provide appropriate information to residents of Sub. #4, for review by the Board. Brent will contact WLC to assist with obtaining resident information/addresses.

·        Theresa contacted Charlie Honsinger and he advised he would have a draft letter to WLC for our review within a few weeks.

·        Letters regarding the gate code change have been sent to emergency service entities and vendors.

·        Elizabeth reported receiving address changes from a few property owners.

·        Theresa reported receiving notice from the State Insurance Fund that, due to our workers compensation premium being less than $2,500.00 annually, we will not receive a dividend this year.

·        Water Certification testing information had been received. Matt and Brent will complete applications to be mailed by the end of January.

6)      Gate Openers: Elizabeth reported that she had obtained cost estimates for gate openers (Lift Master) from Overhead Door Co. at $30.00 each or $25.00 each in quantities of 10 or more. It was decided we would wait until we have further information regarding WLC’s proposed gate changes before considering to purchase in quantity (to be repaid by individual purchasers).

7)      Meeting Adjourned


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