Duquette Pines Homeowners Association

General Session Board Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2003

Location: City Hall, Idaho City, Idaho


Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Ray Eklund, Theresa Mann

                                         Elizabeth Martin, Bruce Reichert


1)      Minutes: The minutes of the April 2003 meeting were approved following a motion by Bruce, seconded by Ray.

2)      Financial report: Theresa reported a checking account balance of $5,046.87 and a reserve account balance of $43,395.02. A deposit of $790.00 will be made to the checking account this week. Monthly payroll, road contractor bill and utility bills will be issued this week. Following a motion made by Elizabeth, seconded by Ray, the financial report was approved.

3)      Managers Report: Loyal reported that he had the gear box in the gate mechanism repaired and he and Don Willis have done repair work on the gate.  Loyal will call Sylvan Adamson to schedule work (increasing the depth) on two of the wells.

4)      WLC update:

·         Brent reported that WLC had indicated they would be interested in using our old water tank for the fire suppression tank if the Board made a decision to replace the old tank by purchase of a new tank for potable water. Discussion was held regarding the need to determine whether the old tank could be repaired. Brent obtained information from a company that can do an inspection and, if necessary, repair work on the old tank without having to drain the tank. The estimated cost of evaluation is $1000.00 (using remote camera) to $2000.00 (with a diver) and additional costs if repairs are necessary. Loyal confirmed the tank in question is approximately 25 years old. Theresa had obtained an estimate for excavation work necessary for replacing a tank – at approximately $575.00.  Discussion was held regarding the source and use of water that will fill the10, 000 gallon fire suppression tank that WLC will be installing. At this time, the Board will advise WLC that our ‘old’ tank is not available. We will inspect the exterior of the old tank, then the interior, if necessary, before deciding on purchase of a new tank.

·         WLC advised Brent that they will be working on the roads and gate in May.

·         Theresa reported that Charles Honsinger had received a message from Brad Stone that WLC will be replying to our letter within the next week.

5)      Hazardous Fuel Treatment Grant: Bruce has obtained information that a 10% ‘hard match’ is a requirement of the grant. Some options to meet that requirement might include monies spent on the water system (tank, wells); web site expenses; newsletters; and firebreaks. The Board asked Bruce to obtain additional information based on an estimated $5,000.00 hard match.

6)      Annual Meeting: Due to conflicts in schedules, the Annual meeting will be postponed from May 17, 2003 to Friday June 6, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Elizabeth will contact the school to schedule a meeting place. Bruce will contact Jeff Bass; Ray will contact Terry Teeter and Elizabeth will contact Jim White to speak at the meeting.

7)      New Business: Ray reminded us that after May 10, 2003 a burn permit is required. He will try to locate/create a poster to place on the bulletin boards. The information will also be put on the web site.

8)      Meeting adjourned.