Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting Minutes
Nov. 4, 2003
Location: Boise Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Theresa Mann
Elizabeth Martin, Loyal Willis
1) Minutes: The minutes of the October 7, 2003 board meeting were unanimously approved as written following a motion made by Bruce, seconded by Loyal.
2) Financials: Checking account balance - $4,659.92. Reserve account balance - $51,880.35
3) Wildland Fire Prevention: Bruce introduced Brett Ingles of B.S.U. Environmental Science and Policy Research Institute. Brett advised the Board of grant options and other resources for funding that might be available to DPHOA for fire prevention, thinning, equipment etc. He offered recommendations of the information that will be necessary in grant applications. He will continue to communicate with Bruce to determine viable options/possibilities for funding available to DPHOA.
4) Managers Report: Jim White reported the following:
5) CCRs:
6) Wells: Due to the cost and requirements for replacing a well, Brent has contacted Dave Adamson regarding continuing to attempt to deepen the well he had worked on in August and Sept. Dave has identified a method that may eliminate the prior problem with the collapsing/cave in area. Brent will ask Dave to provide an estimate of additional costs. The Board agreed that continuing to deepen the existing well is the appropriate choice (versus a new well) if the cost is reasonable (less than a new well).
7) Meeting adjourned.