Duquette Pines Homeowners Association

General Session Board Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2004

Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id


Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Theresa Mann

                                         Elizabeth Martin, Loyal Willis


1)      Minutes: Following a motion by Bruce, seconded by Brent, the minutes of the Jan. 13, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved.

2)      Financial report: The current checking account balance is $4,513.24 and the money market/reserve account is $37,206.53.

3)      Managers Report:

4)      Correspondence:

·         Brent stated he received recommendations that DPHOA review options for having US Postal mailboxes at the entrance to the subdivision.  Discussion was held regarding a previous consideration of this suggestion as well as some pros and cons of having mailboxes located in the vicinity of the gate. The Board will do additional research of the options available.

·         Ken and Carol Kirkland were present at the meeting to discuss completion of roads in Subdivision #3. They will address their concerns in a letter to the Board.

5)      Website/E-Mail: As the Website has links to email the DPHOA Board President and the individual Board Members, it was decided that an additional/separate e-mail address for DPHOA isn’t necessary. The current e-mail address will be removed from the DPHOA letterhead and the website will be added.

6)      Meeting adjourned