Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Board Meeting Minutes
July 6, 2004
Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id.
Board Members Present: Brent
Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Elizabeth Martin,
Loyal Willis, Theresa Mann
1) Minutes and Financial: The Board reviewed, and unanimously approved, the minutes of both the May 15, 2004 Annual Members Meeting and the June 1, 2004 regular board meeting. The account balances on July 6, 2004 were $3,883.29 in checking and $21,480.71 in the money market (reserve) account.
2) Managers report:
3) Road Contract: The Board reviewed the current road contract and publication notices for necessary changes to be made prior to publication for bids.
4) Correspondence – Building Plans:
5) CCR Revision Committee: Owners/Association Members Jon Long Sr., Julie Randolph, Tammy Frost, Jason Rowe and Marcy Rowe were present at the meeting and volunteered to participate in a committee with goals of reviewing the existing CCRs of Duquette Pines Sub #’s 1, 2 and 3. The intent of the committee is to determine changes/revisions that may be necessary for consideration of consolidating the CCRs, as well as changes/additions to the CCRs. The committee will work independent of the Board and present their recommendations to the Board.
6) Meeting adjourned.