Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Board Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2004
Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Elizabeth Martin,
Loyal Willis, Theresa Mann
1) Minutes and Financial: The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the April 6, 2004 meeting. Theresa reported a checking account balance of $3,391.21 and a reserve (money market) account balance of $26883.57.
2) Managers report:
· Jim reported on maintenance/repairs of brush clearing and water line repairs.
· Jim advised that some residents had contacted him regarding oiling of roads in Duquette Pines. Following discussion, the Board unanimously agreed that, as in the past, individual owners could have, at their own expense, roads adjacent to their property oiled by any company certified to oil roads.
· Jim identified locations of trees to be removed.
· Following discussion of concerns about the upcoming fire season, Jim indicated he would contact Terry Teeter to discuss the status of the Idaho City Fire Dept. and their intentions about forming a taxing district.
· The electrical work on the gate is progressing. Loyal will talk with Brad Stone/WLC regarding the location of the antenna needed for use with gate openers.
3) Correspondence: During the month of April, the Board received contact from two property owners regarding CCR violations. The Board will review these in executive session.
4) Annual Meeting: The Board discussed the Agenda for the May 15, 2004 Annual Association meeting. Bruce will provide members with a proposed agenda for review. Elizabeth and Theresa will prepare the financial statement and proposed budget for review.
5) Meeting adjourned.