Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
October 5, 2004
Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Elizabeth Martin, Loyal Willis
1) Minutes/Financial report: The minutes of the September 7, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved. Current checking account balance - $4,225.59. Money market (reserve) account balance – $40,070.73.
2) Manager’s Report:
· Jim reported that the speed bumps were taken out recently so the Gardner Co. could grade. They were re-installed without problem.
· Jim and Loyal inspected the trees that Dan from Gardner Co. marked recently. It was decided to leave some of the trees and they were re-marked.
· Jim reported had tried to adjust the outgoing gate to allow all motorcycles and four-wheelers to trip the arm when they exit. There still seems to be a problem for some motorcycles.
· Bob Obermeyer cut off a portion of the culvert near Kirklands to assist with drainage.
· The additional holding tank is in the ground now but not connected to the system yet.
3) Carol Kirkland told the board she obtained a catalog and information regarding firehose and other supplies for homeowners. She reported that used firehose has become very scarce and will be difficult to locate in the near future. Information regarding new suppliers will be added to the Welcome Packets and given to Bruce for the website.
4) CCR Revision Committee: Marcy Rowe advised that the Committee met on 9/11/04 and will meet again on 10/23/04. She asked board members to submit any ideas to the committee.
5) Loyal reported that a location for the pumper truck needs to be determined so that it will not freeze during the winter. Elizabeth and Don offered the empty bay in their garage on Meadow Drive for housing the truck.
6) Meeting adjourned