Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
September 7, 2004
Location: Basin Library, Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Loyal Willis, Theresa Mann
1) Minutes/Financial report: The minutes of the Aug. 3, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved. Current checking account balance - $1,494.89. Money market (reserve) account balance – $43,537.65.
2) Manager’s Report:
· Jim reported that the speed bumps have been installed and it appears they are effective.
· Gardner Co. has marked trees along roadways for consideration for removal to facilitate snow removal. Jim and Loyal will inspect the marked trees to determine which need to be removed.
· Jim reported that installation of a road drain/culvert has been completed by Gardner Co. Road grading and ditch pulling is being scheduled.
· Water: Due to positive water test results in July and Aug. 2004, the Board complied with DEQ requirements for posting Notice of the results. Follow-up water testing done on Aug. 31, 2004 produced clean results. Additional testing will be done in September.
3) Grant: Bruce continues obtaining necessary information in pursuit of a wild land fire grant. Bruce will draft another letter to BLM regarding timber issues on BLM property adjacent to Duquette property.
4) Newsletter: The Board discussed potential articles for the upcoming newsletter.
5) CCR Revision Committee: Marcy Rowe advised that the Committee is scheduling a meeting for mid October.
6) Building Plans: Bill and Deann Fowler had presented plans for additions to their existing deck and roof. The Board had reviewed and approved these plans on Aug. 29, 2004.
7) Meeting adjourned