Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Theresa Mann,
Loyal Willis, Elizabeth Nelson
Jim White, Manager
Jon Long, Sr. Acting Manager
1) Grant: The initial agenda item for the December meeting was a discussion of our $45,000 fuels reduction grant. Foresters Don Ditmer and Max Muffley, and the County's Disaster Coordinator Gordon Ravenscroft, laid out the problems this Subdivision faces with fire and how the grant will be administered. According to Gordon, who will administer the grant, we homeowners will not have to put up cash as a "match," which is good news. Just some "sweat equity." A letter will go out to all homeowners in Divisions 1,2, and 3 some time this winter. This is a volunteer program, but we believe it is a worthwhile one, that allows homeowners to receive valuable assistance with little cost to them. We anticipate the actual fuels reduction will begin in May or June of 2006.
Minutes/financial: The minutes of the
3) Manager’s report: Jon Long, Sr. was acting manager for the month of November in Jim Whites absence. Jon reported the following:
· Jon winterized and inspected the fire truck and reported the brakes need to be repaired.
· Gates: Jon advised that the gates were broken on three different occasions during the Nov. In one situation, both gate boards were removed from the premises and were located later by residents as far away as Hwy. 21. On another occasion the gate board was in the raised position at the time it was broken/vandalized. The vandalism was reported to the Boise County Sheriff.
· Jon advised that water-hookup is tentatively scheduled for a lot in Sub. #3. The water hookup fee has been paid.
· Roads: Jon advised of two non-road areas being used by recreational vehicles to access Duquette roads or private Duquette property, recommending fencing or barriers be placed to close the access.
· Water: Jon noted the pumps at the upper wells were in need of evaluation. He identified needed valve repairs in the water system.
· Subdivision Inspection: Jon inspected the Sub. property during Nov. and advised the Board of possible CCR compliance issues regarding structures and inoperable vehicles.
· Jim White will continue to monitor snow plowing with the Gardner Co. to ensure that roads are maintained to meet the standards of the CCRs.
· Brent advised that the required water testing for nitrates was done in Nov.
4) New business:
· Brent advised that the required water testing for nitrates was done in Nov.
· Fuel reduction grant: In addition to a letter being sent, a meeting will be held to ensure all owners of Sub. #’s 1, 2 and 3 are provided information regarding the program.
5) Meeting adjourned