Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Board Meeting Minutes
Location: Basin Library,
Board members present: Brent Adamson, Elizabeth Martin, Loyal Willis, Theresa Mann
Minutes/Financial: The Board unanimously approved the
minutes of the
2) Managers report:
3) Building Plans:
· The Board reviewed and approved the building plans submitted by David Shiner.
4) CCR issues: A letter will be sent to property owners, Farmers, regarding removal of vehicle parts (cab and pickup bed on blocks) located on their property (currently rented).
5) New business: Theresa will obtain ownership information for Duquette Pines Sub. #4 for billing of 2005 road assessments and for preparation of a letter to WLC regarding the Agreement between WLC and DPHOA (WLC road assessment payments to DPHOA and DPHOA share of cost of water tank).
6) Newsletter: To be sent at end of Jan. Topics: Bruce – web site; Brent – ‘From the Desk of.. .’; Loyal – speeding; Theresa – safe practices.
7) Meeting adjourned