Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
1, 2005
600 Main St., Idaho
City, Id
Members Present: Brent Adamson, Loyal Willis,
Mann, Elizabeth Nelson
Jim White,
Minutes/Financial report: The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the
Oct. 4, 2005
meeting. The current checking account balance is $4,935.72 and the reserve
(money market) account is $59,028.18.
Managers report: Jim reported the following
- The
incoming gate was broken on Oct. 15 and both gates were broken on Oct. 16.
Jim purchased new gate boards. Tom Glass is continuing work on the outgoing
gate. The depth of the buried loop is a factor in the repair work to be
done on the outgoing gate.
Well Drilling advised that DPHOA will need to contact DEQ regarding a permit
for deepening an existing well. Jim indicates that the well being considered
for deepening is currently producing at a very satisfactory rate (26 gallons
per minute for 1 to 1-1/2 hours). He indicates some testing of one of the
lesser producing wells needs to be done. The Board agreed that we postpone
deepening the well at this time pending consideration of contact with DEQ
and Dept. of water Resources to determine the current requirements/engineering
necessary for a new well. Brent will obtain information from these Depts.
- Jim
said that a water line was broken and repaired by Qwest.
- Jim
explained the need to modify one of the new water tanks to transfer the
water level probes from the old tank.
- The
fire truck will need to be drain and winterized.
- Jim
will be gone for the month of November. Jon Long, Sr. will be the acting
Resident Manager in Jim’s absence.
Building Plans:
- Wydra:
The Board approved the plans submitted by Don and Paula Wydra for an addition
of a garage to their existing home.
- Stubblefield:
Allan and Noralene Stubblefield were present to advise the Board of their
intention to build on their property in Sub. 2. They had preliminary plans
available. They were provided with the Building Plans Guidelines and will
present final plans at a later date.
New Business:
- Jim
White reported on the BLM meeting he attended with Bruce Reichert in regard
to the grant received by Duquette Pines, to be administered by the County.
Jim indicated that the contractor will do an inventory of the lots to assess
the work to be done. The probable lots in consideration will be those adjacent
to BLM land. There will be an ‘in-kind’ contribution required of the individual
property owners accepting this assistance.
- Clint
Watson and David Burt expressed concern regarding the boundaries between
their individually owned properties and the adjacent roadbeds, easements
and rights of way, especially with regard to snow clearance this winter.
They also expressed concern about the possible future impact of these issues
on emergency vehicle access. Subdivision manager, Jim White, agreed to review
snow clearance guidelines with the road contractor, Gardner Company. The
board agreed to keep these issues in mind in future reviews of subdivision
Meeting adjourned.