Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
Oct. 4,
Location: 600
Main St., Idaho City, Id
Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert, Loyal
Willis, Theresa Mann,
Jim White, Manager
Rowe, Bookkeeper
- The Board approved the minutes of the Sept. 6, 2005 meeting
with acknowledgement that Bruce Reichert would make additions/corrections
to # 5 re: BLM and # 6 re: grant information.
- Marcy reported a checking account balance of
$5,331.27 with $1850.00 to be deposited. The savings/money market account
balance is $58,897.12.
Managers report:
- Jim advised that Tom Glass is continuing to
evaluate/modify the outgoing gate.
- Jim reported that he and Jon Long, Sr., along with an
electrician from Adamson Well, replaced the approximately 30 year old
cable from the upper wells to the generator shed, due to
malfunction/shorts in the wiring.
- Brent advised that ABC Well Drilling (on behalf of
Adamson Well) will evaluate the upper well that we have requested be
- Jim and Jon recommended additional signage be added
at/to the gate boards to remind drivers to allow the gate to come to
complete closure prior to re-opening the gate with either a gate opener or
the keypad. Marcy Rowe will create a gate sign.
- Jim identified properties with dead and/or diseased
BLM: Bruce reported that the BLM has completed this
year’s scheduled tree removal on the property adjacent to Duquette Pines.
Removal of larger trees will be considered following an Environmental Impact
Study. Jim advised that the BLM will sell wood permits for anyone interested in
obtaining firewood from the recently cut timber.
Grant: Bruce advised that he met with Gordon
Ravenscroft, Don Ditmer and Max Muffley regarding the plan for administration
of the grant apportioned for Duquette Pines.
Potential contractors for administration of the grant will identify
areas of concern (possibly properties bordering BLM) and present a plan.
Ravenscroft indicated he hoped to select the contractor by early Nov. 2005 and,
during the 2005-2006 winter, contact owners of property considered for the plan
with the work to begin in the spring of 2006. Bruce said that ‘in kind/matching’
work may be required from homeowners.
Building Plans:
- Discussion was held regarding the necessity for water
standpipes to be installed at the time of construction, per the CCRs.
Builders/owners not in compliance will be contacted.
- A property owner requested information regarding
placement of portable ‘tent-like’ garage/carports. The Board indicated
that, as an Architectural Control Board, approval of such structures would
not be considered.
6) New
Business: Concern was expressed about a slash pile located on a private lot.
Bruce will contact the property owner regarding this matter.
7) Meeting