· The financial report was presented and discussed.
· The proposed Merger with Division 4 was discussed. The DPACB has been working with WLC and we are currently awaiting a final draft of a proposal from our attorneys to be presented to the Association membership for consideration of consolidating Duquette Pines Sub. #4 with our existing DPACB for Sub. #’s 1, 2 and 3.
· Manager Jim White reported on the current status of our Water and Wells (we seem to be in great shape in this department); on Roads (at the May meeting, the Board approved dust abatement at individual owners expense on roads adjacent to their property. Jim will place ‘speed bumps’ on the roads, as needed.); on Weeds – Jim has been eradicating noxious weeds on Duquette property along the roadways; on the Gate (the gate number is #7913. Jim is concluding repairs on the gate. On June 24 the gate was put back into operation. During periods of heavy construction traffic, the gate may remain open.)
· CCR’s - The Board is reviewing the possibility of asking property owners to vote on consolidating the CCR’s of Sub. #’s 1, 2 and 3. The Board hopes to have a recommendation/proposal for the vote of property owners within a few months.
Election: the 2006 ballot and voting
instructions are enclosed with this mailing. Please be sure to vote! Your
ballot must be received back no later than
· Wildfire Issues: Regarding our $45,000 fuels reduction grant, Gordon Ravenscroft and Don Ditmer spoke to the group at the meeting. Gordon is the County's disaster services administrator and helped secure the grant. Don is the contractor who will be visiting each homeowner to explain what we can do on our own property to reduce the threat of wildfire. Don has at least 30 years experience with the Forest Service and will be a great resource for us. His partner on this grant is Max Muffley, another retired F.S. guy with lots of experience. They are hoping to start immediately. Don's phone number is 866-9135. This is a volunteer program, but we believe it is a worthwhile project, one that allows homeowners to receive valuable assistance with only some "sweat equity" as a match. Please see additional information in this newsletter.
Election information was provided regarding one
Board position and two alternate positions. Jon Long, Sr. was nominated as a
candidate for the position and he accepted the nomination. Members were advised
that nominations would be accepted until
· Bruce recommended a change to the Bylaws to eliminate the ‘term limits’ required of Board members. Changes to the Bylaws will require a vote of the Association membership. This will be introduced to the Association at a later date this fiscal year.
Discussion was held regarding the possibility of joining with the IC Volunteer Fire Dept. as a ‘sub-station’ and accessing a fire truck. As there appeared to be great interest in pursuing additional information, the Board will contact the IC Fire Dept. for further discussion. If joining with them becomes an option, volunteers will be needed to be trained as volunteer fire fighters. In addition, we will need to begin consideration for housing of a truck, if one becomes available.