Duquette Pines Homeowners Association

General Session Board Meeting

December 4, 2007

Location: Boise Basin Library


Board Members Present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert,

                     Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman, Jon Long,Sr.


              Present: Jim White, Manager; Treasea Long, Treasurer 


It was a short meeting, wherein nothing new was discussed, but past issues were examined, mulled and prodded, to the satisfaction of those in attendance.


1)                           Minutes were approved.


2)                           We thanked Art Burget for helping set up a weather station on our website. We talked about the possibility of a webcam in our subdivision, similar to the one in Stanley aimed at the Sawtooth Mountains. Perhaps ours could be aimed at the meadow. 



3)                         The Board has turned over four property owners to a collection agency, Access Recovery Service. The property owners'refusal to make road/water payments -- or to even contact the Board about the reasons for their tardiness -- left the Board with few options. Several other homeowners were spared the ignominy of being hounded by a collection agency, since they contacted the Board and worked out an arrangement for payment.


4)                           Continuing the discussion of a fire house, the Board will present,in a Newsletter to homeowners, the pros and cons of two potential building sites. There will also be a place on our website to Comment on the fire house; hopefully, this feature will be functioning before Christmas. And there will be a short questionnaire in the Newsletter, for folks who want to make their voices heard on the issue. The three questions are these: 1) Do you really want a fire house, knowing that it will likely cost the subdivision at least $30,000? 2)Where would you like it located? and 3)What should be the style and finish of the building?



5)                           Jim White, our Manager, will contact Idaho City fire chief Terry Teeter about the proper fittings on our individual fire stands, so that there is uniformity in what a fire truck can hook into, in case of a fire. The information will be put on the website and gotten to homeowners.


6)       The January meeting will be held on the second Tuesday, the 8th, not the 1st. Meeting Adjourned.