Duquette Pines Homeowners Association
General Session Board Meeting
Location: Basin Library,
Board Members present: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert,
Present: Jim White, Manager
Minutes and Financial report: The Board approved the
minutes of the
2) House Plans: No new plans presented.
3) Managers Report:
· Jim identified locations of valves that have required, or will require, maintenance. The Board approved purchase of four valves.
· Jim discussed with the Board the current recommendations for snow removal at 6” of new snow fall. With the increased traffic/vehicles on the majority of roads in the Subdivision, the Board identified that snow removal should be considered at 3” of new snow. The Manger and Board will determine appropriateness of snow removal at that depth with input from the road contractor.
Dogs: Discussion was held regarding dogs/dog packs
roaming the subdivision without being under the
control of the owners. The Board acknowledged that the State law addresses the
issue and the
5) Newsletter: The next newsletter will include articles regarding the incorporation of Sub. #4 with DPACB; updating property owners on road maintenance; and the State law concerning dogs.
6) Meeting adjourned