Duquette Pines Architectural Control Board (dba DPHOA)
Annual Association Meeting
Approximately 30 Association members attended the Annual
meeting on
· Financial Report: The financial report was presented. The proposed 2007-2008 budget was presented and discussed.
· Division #4: President Brent Adamson welcomed Duquette Division #4 to their first Annual meeting since the October 2006 election changing the Bylaws to include Division #4 to the Association.
Consideration of fencing the property known as
‘The Meadow” (Sub #4, Block 3,
· Placement of a building to house a fire truck was discussed. The Board is working with the Idaho City Volunteer Fire Department with the goal of having a ‘satellite’ fire station in Duquette Pines with Idaho City Fire Department providing a truck to be housed in Duquette. The consensus of the members present at this annual meeting was that a fire station was a priority for Duquette Pines. Discussion was held regarding possible location for the fire house and options for building materials. The Board will obtain information to determine size of structure needed; cost estimates for a building and review the location options.
· Manager’s Report:
Roads: The members were advised that the Board
had approved a ‘dust abatement’ application by our road contractor, Gardner
Construction, for all roads in Duquette Pines. This application process will
consist of magnesium chloride in a water dilution to be applied 3 or 4 times.
This is being done this year on a ‘trial basis’ to determine the effectiveness of the procedure and the product.
· Wildfire Issues: Bruce Reichert reported that it’s looking good that we will receive a second wildfire mitigation grant. Last year foresters Max Muffly and Don Dittmer and their crew worked on a dozen or so properties, most of them adjacent to the BLM property west of our subdivision. Gordon Ravenscroft, the County’s Disaster Services Coordinator, had emailed the Board, saying there’s still about $15,000 left from last year’s grant. Work will continue on that first grant throughout this year. Ravenscroft also said he should have another $50,000 or so from a new grant, to complete all the fire mitigation work on the subdivision. A further discussion ensued about the importance of each homeowner having several fire extinguishers handy, in case a fire starts inside the home.
· Bylaws – term limits: Prior to the Annual meeting, letters had been sent to property owners to advise of a proposal to amend Article IX, Section D of the Bylaws of DPACB dba DPHOA. This section addressed limitations (‘term limits’) for Board Members. Members were advised that a vote would be held at the Annual meeting and members in attendance could vote at this meeting or, members who were unable to be present at the meeting were able to provide a proxy. A vote was held of the members present, including the proxy ballots. The proposal to change the bylaws to eliminate term limits was unanimously approved.
Elections: Three Board positions will be open in
· Meeting Adjourned