General Session Board
September 4, 2007
Location: Basin Library,
Board Members Present: Brent
Adamson, Bruce Reichert,
Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman
The Board discussed
this year’s dust abatement ‘experiment,’ which included several treatments
of magnesium chloride over several weeks. The consensus was that it was not
a failed experiment, but that it wasn’t a rousing success, either. There is
definitely less dust than in the past, but some Board members have heard from
residents that they preferred how Bear Run Road looked, even if it would cost
more money. In the spring of ’08, we will consider alternative approaches,
invite others to present information and even take other bids.
No decision has been
made on where to put the fire house, since DEQ has not gotten back to us.
Brent said he will continue to call them. DEQ holds the key to where we can
put the septic system, since a bathroom should accompany the fire house.
Jim is working on two signs, one with information for realtors, the other with information for contractors. They will be
placed near the gate. He also has 12 new gate openers and will sell them for
$32 apiece. Folks should contact Jim if they wish to purchase one of these
handy devices. And Jim railed against dead trees and brain-dead homeowners who
fail to do anything about them.
received a note from the BLM, regarding the piles of dead wood on their land
west of the subdivision. We are encouraged to use that wood for fire wood. They
hope to finish the burning of the piles this fall.
dogs are a nuisance, and the offending dog owners will be visited by a member
of the Board.
We have not yet heard
back from Terry Teeter regarding adaptors for homeowner water hookups.
Letters will be sent
to property owners who have not paid their road and/or water fees. The Board
is checking into what it would take to shut off errant homeowners’ water.
Small claims court and collection agencies were also discussed.
A discussion
of Section 3.2 of Division Four's CCR's ensued, at the request of Roy Doan.
That particular section says travel trailers, motorhomes, and the like "must
be garaged or enclosed on the owner's property." All agreed that the
word "garaged" was understandable, but what does "enclosed"
mean? Would a four foot high fence around a motorhome meet the requirements
of the CCR's?