Duquette Pines Homeowners Association

General Session Board Meeting

August 5, 2008

Location: Boise Basin Library


Persons present: all board members, Michelle Garcia, Bruce Reichert, Jim White, Al Stubblefield

Board members congratulated Roy Doan on his re-election and Jared Harrington, division 3, on his successful election to the board.
Both will serve a three year term. The board thanked Bruce Reichert for his 6 years of devoted service. Bruce has agreed to continue
maintaining our web site. Board elections were held and Brent Adamson was re-elected president and Jon Long vice president. Kim Heintzman
will take over the duties of secretary.

Al Stubblefield presented plans for a home to be built at 23 Willis Way. The proposed square footage, siding and roofing were found to
be acceptable. When a copy of the house and site plans are delivered to the board and the proper set backs are confirmed the plans will be

Jon Long, assistant manager, gave a detailed manager's update. The current water plant generator is old and hard to start so a
replacement was discussed. The board agreed to purchase an updated generator, but will wait until we can find an excellent price on a

There was a lengthy discussion regarding Triple Ridge road. While no home is currently built on this road, it was agreed that road
maintenance should be given equal treatment since the adjacent lot owners pay a road fee. Additionally, the emergency exit at the end
of the road is being used by the public as a short cut to Bear Run. It was never intended to be used in this way and a gate will be
constructed at the Bear Run egress to halt public access. In talking about public access it was decided to construct a no trespassing sign
at the ATV path at the top of Meadow Drive to alert the public they are entering private property.

Jon has been spraying along the road right of way for knap weed. There is quite an overgrowth of noxious weeds in the subdivision and
all lot owners should be aware that they are responsible for the eradication of these weeds. If county officials see noxious weeds on
private property the can site the owner. The county also has the authority to spray on private land and bill the owner. If you have
any questions about noxious weeds, please contact Jim White or Jon Long.

More dead trees are appearing in the subdivision. Owners should remove these trees at the first sign of bug infestation. Owners
should be aware that they may be exposed to some liability if their failure to remove a dead tree results in a spread of disease to
neighboring lots. Please help us to preserve our beautiful subdivision.

The second stand pipe (used for fire protection) should be installed in the next two weeks. Additionally, the fire hydrant adapters
mentioned at the annual meeting will arrive at the same time. Contact Brent Adamson if you would like one of these adapters for
your community water system hydrant.

Jim White has agreed to come back as our full time manager. The board enthusiastically welcomed him back!

Jim mentioned that there are 16 to 18 lots signed up for the final installment of slash removal. This ground clearing has taken place
over the past 2 years and has made our subdivision much more resistant to ground fire. Even those lots cleared two years ago are
in a much better position, as this new growth actually slows the progression of a ground fire.

Jim also mentioned our community water truck needs a new battery before we can fill it's tank for a water reserve. The expenditure
was approved.

Bruce Reichert will publish an ad asking for bids on our road maintenance contract. This is a two year contract that expires on
October 1st. All interested parties are invited to submit a bid.

The question of political signs was brought up. While there is no restriction on these signs, they must be out of the right of way and
removed right after the election. Any non-political sign is restricted to one per lot not to exceed 2' by 4' and out of the right of way.