Attending: Brent, Jon, Roy, Kim and John and Charles Hanzel
Building plans for a house to be built on Lot 11, Block 3 of Division
4 were presented to the board by John and Charles Hanzel. The board questioned
the Hanzels about building size, siding choices and roofing material and design.
As presented, the plans were found to be acceptable. The board wanted to look
into the set back requirements for this lot as stated in the covenants. The
Hanzels were asked to install a fire stand pipe before beginning construction
and to construct this stand pipe using a hot tap.
A concern about building material being stored in the roadway for an excessive amount of time was brought to the board's attention. This will be addressed with the lot owners.
The success of the dust abatement project was discussed. The board was impressed
with the equipment used by North American and by how quickly the mag chloride
soaked into the road. The total cost was under budget. While two side roads
were missed due to miscommunication, this will be addressed in future applications.
The board decided to again approach the county on the matter of applying mag
chloride to the road between Bear Run and the subdivision.