Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
October 7, 2008
Financials--Michelle commented that we are getting a good response to the quarterly statements. The board did take the action of filing a lien against one non-paying property after repeated attempts to contact the owner . Unpaid dues remains a minor problem involving only a few property owners, but additional liens are being considered. Michelle also discovered unfiled tax forms for 2006 and 2007. This oversight has been corrected.
Road Contract--the board is pleased to announce that Gardners have been re-asssigned to fulfill our road contract. This involves snow removal and minor road maintenance. The board has heard many good comments about the snow removal job done by Gardners over the years. One change to the contract is the opening of major road repairs to a bidding process. This will assure the subdivision of quality work at quality prices.
A couple of concerns were brought to the board regarding horses in the subdivision. These concerns will be addressed by the board with the horse owners.
Managers Update--Jim White mentioned that there are several dead trees in the subdivision and this is the ideal time of year to remove them. Anyone not able to remove their own trees should contact Jim and he will assist in that removal. Jared Harrington presented material from a company that produces pheromone traps for various tree beetles. The board was interested in pursuing these traps and requested Jared to gather more information and pricing.
Boulders are ordered to be placed around the new fire stand pipe at Meadow and Meadow.
The new generator at the pump house is installed and operational.
A gate was erected off Bear Run road where the subdivision has an easement between properties 9 and 10 in division IV. The board took this action at the requests of both property owners. This easement is granted by the property owners only as an emergency exit, not as a convenient access to Bear Run. This action was taken by the board to assure continued access to this easement which could be rescinded by the property owners if the illegal traffic does not stop. It appears most of the traffic is subdivision residents and the board requests that everyone would respect these owners property rights.
The front gate continues to be broken and the board is looking into the cost of a camera security system to monitor the offenders.
Once again residents are reminded that political signs are only allowed on one's own property. No business signs are allowed except for certain exceptions (ex: house for sale)
The board was presented with two building plans/lot changes. The board approved both.
Brent Adamson has received the first shipment of brass adapters for the individual fire stands. If you want one of these adapters please contact Brent.
Since the subdivisions pumper truck is beyond repair we are looking into acquiring a surplus truck from the Forest Service.