Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
April 7, 2009
HOA Members present: Brent Adamson, Kim Heintzman, Roy Doan, Jim White, Russ and Bunny Taylor.
Quests: Ted Jewel and Dennis Flickinger
Ted Jewel talked about the options available to the association for
using his gravel pit at Gold Hill to perhaps save money regarding
road material. Dennis Flickinger also talked about this subject and
ways to save on delivery costs.
Jim White talked about the current state of the roads. Grading will
be done soon, but the wet weather is delaying the work. It was
discussed that the Rosebush cul de sac needs re-grading to restore
the slope it previously had. Rosebush will also have a dead end sign
posted at it's beginning. There has been requests for "Slow children
at play" signs. These signs are the responsibility of the home
owner, not the association
Jim also mentioned a major water leak on Bull Pine that will require
a short water shut off to repair.
Russ and Bunny Taylor presented road plans for their property at the
end of Lantern Way. These plans were approved. The Taylor's were
welcomed to the neighborhood.
Eight letters to slow payers were issued last month, with moderate
The annual meeting was scheduled for May 30th.