Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
8 , 2009
In attendance: Brent Adamson, Jon Long, Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman, Tim
Zaspel, Bookkeeper Michelle Savoire, Phillip Green
Brent talked briefly about the success of putting liens on several late paying accounts. We have collected in full on one account, and one has started paying.
A reminder: Inactive accounts will be published on our website next month.
Michelle presented the competed 2008 tax statement. We have switched accountants this year and have discovered some discrepancies in how the 2007 taxes were prepared. To prevent possible IRS penalties and interest we are going to have our new accountant review the 2007 tax statement. We also discussed our current corporation status, as it influences our tax rate. We have a couple of options, all with pros and cons. We will work with our accountant to assure we are filing the most efficient way.
We received the results
of the DEQ audit of our water system that was performed last May. Overall,
the report was very positive. A few minor actions were requested by the DEQ.
The main recommendation was to protect and secure the access holes to the
storage tanks. The manager will collect bids for covers on these accesses.
Additionally, as an experiment, it was decided to temporarily shut off well
#3 to see if it is just drawing from an aquifer serviced by one of our other
To the boards disappointment, Jim White has resigned as the subdivision manager. His service has been exceptional over the years, and he will be missed. Jon Long has been hired by the board to replace Jim, effective immediately. To prevent any appearance of impropriety, Jon has resigned his position on the board. Wendy Jeffes, as first alternate, will be asked to assume this open seat.
The board was also disappointed by Tim Zaspel's decision to not serve on the board. Bruce Reichert, as second alternate, will be asked to assume this open seat.
The changes to the front gate were discussed. While the new, stronger gate works well, the sensitivity level has to be increased to prevent any accidental early closings. We are in discussions with Overhead Door company on how many additional loops are needed and what the costs are to install them. The outgoing gate will be strengthened once these concerns are solved.
Phillip Green talked
to the board about having a pygmy goat on his property. The CC&R's in
division 3 limit animals to "domestic animals" only. Our differences
occurred over the definition of domestic. In fairness to the Green family,
the board will research what other communities define as domestic. The board
will base its decision on the results of this research.