Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
3 , 2009
Members present: Jon Long, Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman, and Jared Harrington,
and Bookkeeper Michelle Savoie and Manager Jim White.
The meeting was a short
one. Jim White gave his managers update.
The only topic discussed was the situation of the wells. The wells seem to
be running better due to a couple of major leaks discovered and fixed by Jim
and Jon. There is still some uneasiness in the capacity of the four wells.
It was determined that Jared would look into obtaining a monitoring system
so we can determine which wells are producing and what amount of water they
are contributing.
In anticipation of the need for another well, Jon Long has contacted a couple of well drilling companies to determine costs. It appears that just the engineering costs for one well is about $19,000. Two wells could be done for $29,000.
The road sanding situation
was discussed, and the board has determined how to proceed in the future.