Pines Homeowners Association
Session Board Meeting
7, 2009
Members attending: Brent Adamson, Jon Long, Kim Heintzman, Roy Doan;
also Manager Jim White and Bookkeeper Michelle Savoie.
Building plans were approved for the Ryan Hays home in Subdivision 4.
Manager's update--There
appears to be a need for more speed bumps, especially on the backside of meadow
drive. The expenditure of about
$2000 for 4 more sets of bumps was tabled until next meeting.
Noxious weeds were sprayed by Jim White and Jon Long. The county provided
the weed killer. Owners are reminded that weeds on their lot is their responsibility.
The county did mention they are considering a review of the subdivision and
any spraying they do will be billed to the lot owner. Dead trees are continuing
to be a problem. These trees should be cut down as soon as possible to prevent
the spread of disease. Anyone needing help in cutting down trees should contact
Jim White. Private property signs were erected at the end of Lantern Way and
at the top of Meadow Drive.
Liens are being applied to a couple of lots that are being sold or repossessed.
A reminder that election ballots must be received by July 22nd.
Reinforcement of the gate was once again discussed. Since comments continue to arrive with the election ballots it was decided to wait until the next meeting to make a decision.
CC&R violations were once again discussed. A letter will be composed and sent to violators this month. Violation not complied with by October 1st will be posted on the website.
Jon Long is looking into lockable water casings for those severely behind in water payments.