DPHOA Meeting
Idaho City Library
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman, Jon Long, Wendy Jeffes, Michelle Savoie Garcia
Minutes: Moved RD & seconded KH to approve minutes from October as presented.
Treasurer’s Report:
Michelle reported on payments received on dues, and pertinent financial updates (bankruptcies, liens, etc.). She will give the names of homeowners who are more than a year past due to be put on the web site.
The Board had a discussion about procedures to submit bills, pay employees of the association, pay Gardner’s (twice a month).
Moved KH & seconded RD to approve the financial report as submitted.
Michelle reported that it will cost $350 to amend last year’s taxes.
Old Business:
Goat – reviewed the information from the attorney. The Board will send a letter to advise what the attorney advised.
Manager’s report:
Jon Long has been busy with various things: general maintenance, clean-up items. Jon wants to mark the hydrants with reflector tape before winter. New ground loop was installed on the gate. Painted the phone booth, did some wiring clean-up in the booth. He placed the final locks on storage tanks for IDEQ. Talked to homeowners about abandoned truck and drafted a letter to resolve it, with no resolution. He checked the water leak on Reinhart & Meadow and he believes it may just be standing water. Dead trees – a couple snapped off during the recent wind storm. One fell and did some damage to a home. Gate: two breaks this month. One was an accident, which the homeowner apologized & agreed to pay for. Jon will put the gate up on Saturday night. Speed bumps getting damaged from pulling up/putting down. Jon recommends lag screws for next year. Moved & seconded to allow Jon to proceed & buy screws/drill. Jon/Brent have keys to well.
Water – Safe Water Drinking Act goes into effect 12/1/09. Samples taken must be from approved water tap. Brent usually takes samples from main water line, but new legislation requires separate tap. Brent will check pricing on the approved water tap and installation.
Bylaws – discussion of attorney response to Board member/employee getting paid.
New Business –
Lawns & water usage – The Water Agreement says water is for household usage only, however a homeowner has put in a lawn. We discussed having the Agreement put in the welcome packet to make sure residents are aware. Brent will look at old Water Agreement to update it.
Discussion what to do with documents homeowners submitted to have building plans approved.