DPHOA Meeting
Boise Basin Library
October 6, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Minutes presented by Wendy Jeffes
Attendees: Board members: Brent Adamson, Kim Heintzman, Roy Doan, Bruce Reichert, Wendy Jeffes; Manager Jon Long, and homeowner Don Wydra
1. Minutes from September meeting were approved as presented.
2. Financial moved by KH to accept financial report. Seconded RD.
3. Lien status Six or eight new liens have been filed. Action on three properties has seen progress due to the liens. There was more discussion about putting the names of property owners who are a year or more behind on dues on the web site. This was agreed upon at the last meeting. Bruce will come up with a possible notation for the web site and route to board members.
4. Pygmy Goat discussion Brent made an overview of the issue for the benefit of new board members. He has not heard back from our attorney regarding the issue. Several board members would like to wait until we hear from the attorney before rendering a decision. There was some discussion with attending homeowner Don Wydra as to changing the CCRs to allow animals, that perhaps the climate in Duquette has changed since inception of the original CCRs. Perhaps a notation in the next newsletter regarding domestic animals would clarify this issue, and/or begin a discussion regarding changing the covenants. In any event, the matter was tabled until we hear from our attorney.
5. Discussion with homeowner Don Wydra. Comments gate is working pretty well, possibly an adjustment is necessary. Concerned that road money is not being separated from the water money (it is, but is in the same account). Needs approval and assistance from an expert to advise on whether several trees on the property (and throughout subdivision) are dead due to pine beetles. Well situation? Brent advised we are in a holding pattern, things seem to be stable, the purchase of new well is likely in the future. Well #1 has been abandoned because it has not been producing.
6. Manager
Jon Longs report Roads will be graded in the next few days.
-- Update on ground loops for
gates: one additional loop will be
installed on the incoming side so people with trailers would not break the
gate. Installation will be 9:00 a.m. Saturday,
October 10. The new gate seems to be
-- Fall weed spraying Jon did an additional spray on
late-blooming noxious weeds. There is
one area that the County will need to spray, due to a severe infestation.
-- Water storage tank caps will be installed in the next few days,
as per DEQ requirements.
-- Jon did general clean-up around front gate, power washing, staining, etc. He
has winterized the fire hydrants. One of
the hydrants had a cracked valve that he repaired. He has cleaned out the generator shed.
-- Our fire truck has been moved and is now exposed to the elements. Should we get rid of the fire truck? (some discussion followed).
-- Dead trees there are several that need to be removed in the
-- Unfinished siding on houses owners seem to be making progress.
-- Erosion problem should we put in a culvert at the confluence of Elderberry
Circle and Bull Pine? Jon has asked Gardeners to give an estimate.
Jon requests that any projects that need to be done around the subdivision
be communicated to him.
7. Selecting new officers Brent Adamson is President; Wendy Jeffes is Secretary; Roy Doan is Vice President. Unanimous.
8. Bylaws A discussion about some of our bylaws ensued. Can action be taken without a meeting? Are emails valid for consent?
9. Snow removal. The board agreed to allow Jon to make the decision when snow should be plowed. The board will provide feedback at meetings or via email to Brent who will communicate to Jon.
10. Compensation to Board members Brent will request clarification from the attorney on Article IX P. and Article XI B. Can a Board Member also be an employee or be compensated for doing work outside of typical Board activities.
11. Old business gate & winter preparedness in process. Junk ongoing issue in subdivision. Do we want to have a clean-up effort in the spring? Board agreed it would be a good idea.
12. Jim White appreciation gathering? Invite subdivision? Rent Senior Center? Jon commented that former manager Jim White helped out a lot of folks in his ten years as our Manager. Kim & Bruce will help coordinate with Jon.