Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Boise Basin Library
April 6, 2010 7:00 p.m.
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Bruce Reichert (via phone), Kim Heintzman, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie Garcia
Minutes – Moved & seconded to accept the minutes from March meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report –
· Michelle’s computer was down, so she was unable to provide a full report. Checks were signed.
· She advised us of a new bankruptcy filed by a Duquette homeowner.
· The Board discussed that the water shutoff letter should be sent via UPS to their homes. Jon will also post a letter on the home as well. Letter will be sent, with 30 days’ notice, to bring their water bill current, before the water is cut off. The cost of us installing and removing the devise will be added to the amount owing. The Board decided the fee to reestablish water service should be $400, as it includes equipment costs over $200 and labor. Moved and seconded to set the fee at $400. Motion carried. Board will discuss the issue of water shutoff with homeowners at the annual meeting and will then proceed with sending letters, etc.
· Board discussed bill collection procedures and putting homeowners on a payment plan. Quarterly statements were recently sent out. Homeowners who become a year past due will go to possible water shutoff.
· Budget: Board discussed upcoming year’s budget to pass out at the annual meeting, line by line.
o Association dues will now be listed as ‘subdivision maintenance’, not ‘roads’, because the fees go toward more than roads, including legal fees, water pipe maintenance, utilities, etc. The intention is to show separate budget categories of water income/expenses and subdivision maintenance income/expenses.
o Michelle will check on the amount of accounts receivable due from water vs. roads.
o Had side-bar conversation about dust abatement in our subdivision – is it necessary? How’s the quality of the product we’ve used, etc. It will be brought up at the annual meeting. Brent will get bids.
· Gardner’s brought an estimate of various road maintenance items, including gravel from the gate, re-forming crowns, sloping the road correctly in certain areas, providing proper drainage in select areas to reduce pothole damage, enlarging the road near the frog pond, etc. Items could be broken out of the estimate and done in order of priority. Mr. Gardner also posed a possible solution for the road near the generator shed, and expressed concern about depth of phone lines. The Board will review Gardner’s estimate and will secure other bids after decisions are made as to what maintenance should be done.
· The Board decided road maintenance will be a topic at the annual meeting.
· Jon advised that on 3/3/10 the roads were graded and the snow pushed back to benefit the runoff. On 3/19/10 there was more selective grading done to problem areas.
· Beetle damage is starting to show up in the subdivision – many dead trees.
· New signs at the gate will be installed within the next couple weeks.
· Gate was broken last Saturday night (4/3); it appears that it was broken by hand, rather than with a vehicle. Because there is a high occurrence of gate issues on Saturday night, Jon will leave the gate open on Saturday nights.
· Board discussed the issue of a property line question on the Rose Bush culdesac – Brent will email homeowner advising that the Board will get back with him with information from the plat map and will decide with the homeowner how to proceed.
New Business
· The Board discussed giving our bookkeeper a raise in salary. We discussed factors such as her longevity, skills learned, services provided, assistance with reduction of accounts receivable, etc. She has not received a raise since she began the job two years ago. Moved and seconded to raise her salary. Motion carried.
· Elections are forthcoming, with all five positions being open for election. The Board asked for interested individuals to advise any current Board member. Nominations will be taken at the annual meeting, which will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the Senior Center, 10:00 a.m.