Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Boise Basin Library
February 2, 2010 7:00 p.m.
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Roy Doan, Kim Heintzman, Jon Long, Bruce Reichert, Wendy Jeffes, Michelle Savoie Garcia
Minutes – Moved & seconded to accept the minutes from December meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report –
· Michelle updated the Board on foreclosures in the subdivision, current liens and accounts past-due.
· There was a discussion about how best to proceed in collecting dues. The Board will pursue water shutoff with 30 days’ notice on all delinquent accounts beginning Spring 2010. In July, Michelle will advise the Board of unpaid 2010 dues so we can follow up with those accounts. It was decided that there needs to be a policy of how payments are expected. Part of the discussion: If monthly payments are made, they should be 1/12th of the total due, or they would be considered a late payment and incur penalty interest charges. It would fall to the homeowner to communicate with the Board regarding any financial issues. No final decision was made on the penalty interest charges.
· Moved & seconded to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report –
· In December the gate was broken once. Jon ordered & installed a heater for the outgoing gate, which seems to have fixed the problem.
· Jon took care of several water shutoffs for various reasons.
· Sand was delivered on Lantern Way for the subdivision. There has been positive feedback from the homeowners that it has been available. There was discussion about ways to keep it covered.
· January – Jon took care of more water turnoffs to prevent freezing.
· He repaired & replaced a post at the frog pond.
· The gate was broken, both incoming & outgoing – Jon was able to bend them both back into shape and avoid replacing at this time.
· He reported on unapproved construction and a water leak at a property on Blue Jay. The Board should send a violation letter to address these issues.
· Jon researched replacing the deteriorating signs at the front gate. Cost is $166 to replace one, $304 to replace both. Moved and seconded to replace both signs. Motion carried.
Old Business –
· The Board had a discussion about how to handle payment of invoices, get Board signatures on checks, etc., specifically with regard to Gardner’s bills. As was discussed in December, we will pay them no more than twice a month and will review the bills before signing the checks to ensure the charges are correct. Our contract with Gardner’s is that they bill us for time, material & labor. We can expect to pay about $1200 per snow plowing.
· There have been some comments about sanding and how that has been/should be done. We need to communicate with Gardners as to the sanding pattern we prefer to ensure adequate coverage and safe driving conditions.
· The Board needs to have a budget discussion before the annual meeting. Michelle will bring information from the past fiscal year for reference in March.