Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
July 6, 2010, Boise Basin Library
In attendance: Brent Adamson, Kim Heintzman, Bruce Reichert, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie Garcia.
Minutes - approved
Financial Report – By now homeowners have received their notices
for water and maintenance fees for the coming year. For the new fiscal year, starting July 1, that
means $105,514 in fees were mailed out.
There was a long discussion about delinquent water accounts and about
when interest on past-due bills should go into effect.
Several homeowners are being sent letters about water shut-off dates.
The treasurer will inform all homeowners on a quarterly basis about their past-due accounts, with interest accruing.
Building Plans -
No building plans were submitted.
Manager’s Report- Jon Long reported that he has sprayed for noxious weeds in the subdivision.
The roads were graded and then oiled with magnesium chloride on June 29, for dust abatement.
The gate was broken on July 5, 15, and 25, at a cost of app. $100 each time.
Cleanup Day was a success, but there could be improvements, such as each trailer only carrying one kind of material (burnables, metal, etc.).
Roads - It was decided to gravel a section of Elderberry road this coming month.
Elections -
Six individuals are running for five positions on the Board. Ballots were
mailed out and must be returned by July 21 to be counted.
The August monthly meeting will be a social hour for past and future board members, at the home of Wendy Jeffes. Date to be announced.