Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
George & Wendy Jeffes’ home
June 12, 2010, 9:00 a.m.
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Kim
Heintzman, Bruce Reichert, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, homeowners Art Burget, Clayne Barron, Danny Gurwell
- approved as presented from May Annual meeting and May Board
Financial Report -
- Michelle was unable to attend meeting
today, but checks
had been signed before she left.
The Board discussed one bill from Gardners
which included revisions to their original bid, including the necessity
for a longer culvert, trenching, gravel, etc. Bill was paid as submitted.
- Kim will get information for the next
meeting from several banks with the intention of transferring
our money to earn best interest for the Association, etc.
Building Plans -
- Clayne Barron –
requested approval of a garage/shop. Moved and seconded to approve plans as
they comply with CCRs for Division 4, pending submission of final exterior
siding/color. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report-
- Jon gave an update on recent road work,
including grading and various projects that have been completed or are in
- May 18 there was a lengthy power outage
and the generator (for the water system) had to be run for a couple
- The outgoing gate was broken on May 22 during
a power outage. On June 5 the incoming
gate was broken – Jon has gone to a lighter steel
so the motor can lift the arms easier.
- May 24th road repairs began,
and are continuing.
- Jon installed 25 t-posts to mark culverts. Gardners
requested a taller spine on t-posts with reflective tape for winter
- A roadside marker was replaced near the
frog pond due to vehicle going off the road & breaking it.
- Jon started spraying weeds, using the
County’s sprayer. He hired a teenage
resident at $7/hr to assist in spraying, as it requires one person to spot
the weeds, one person to spray. Brent approved the hiring. Jon will borrow the sprayer one
additional time this year, and ask resident to assist him again.
- Idaho Rural Water Association – Jon
requested information as to services they offer, including grants,
etc. and
will bring it to an upcoming Board meeting upon receipt.
- There is a problem with trees growing in
the ditches by the sides of the road (primarily Division 4). Jon would like the Association to purchase
a weed eater with metal blade to take care of the problem. Brent mentioned an alternative solution,
utilizing a machine that he has. Jon
and Brent will see if that will work before purchasing new equipment.
- Water lock boxes – When the annual billing
goes out, a letter will be sent to homeowners who are not current through
June 30, 2010. If the account is
not brought current within 30 days, Duquette Pines will put a lock box on
to turn the water off. The letter
will be sent Federal Express, requiring a signature.
The notice will also be posted at the home if delivery is unsuccessful.
- Board members will provide input on
relevant information to include in a newsletter to go out with the annual
billing. Bruce will put a note on the
web site to contact the Board if homeowners would like to provide their
email addresses to receive subdivision information.
- Nominations for the five open Board
positions were made for the following people: Dee Woodstrom,
Art Burget, Wendy Jeffes, Larry Johnson, Brent
Adamson and Danny Gurwell. Bruce Reichert volunteered to be an alternate
and maintain the Association’s web site and Facebook page.
Dust abatement
- Brent talked to a couple different companies
about providing the service – he has requested bids/information and will
follow up with them this week.
Based on consensus at the annual meeting, we will proceed with dust