Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Boise Basin Library
March 2, 2010 7:00
Attendees: Roy Doan, Bruce
Reichert, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie Garcia
– Moved & seconded to accept the minutes from February meeting as
presented. Motion carried.
Report –
- Michelle reported on the month’s financial
information. She brought a copy of
the profit and loss statement for the previous year/current year so the
Board could review for budgeting purposes.
- The Board discussed how best to collect accounts
receivable. We will include legal
expenses, water shutoff devices, etc. in the upcoming budget. Bruce will draft a letter to advise
delinquent homeowners of pending water shutoff and the Board will review.
- Michelle would like to sign up for on-line backup of our
financial reports for $49.95 a year.
Moved and seconded to proceed, motion carried.
- Michelle requested an increase in her wages from $12.00
per hour (20 hour minimum) to $15.00 per hour. The discussion was tabled until next
month when all Board members can be in attendance.
Report –
- We plowed 3 times during the month, twice for snow, once
for slush.
- The gate was broken once during February, once on March
1. The vehicle was identified at
one of the breaks . . . a red Jeep with 1A plates.
- Jon asked for suggestions about improving road
conditions. The Board feels there’s
very little we can do during this time of year.
Moved and
seconded to adjourn. Motion
carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.