Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Jeffes’ Residence
October 2, 2010
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Wendy
Jeffes, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie, Danny Gurwell, Art Burget, Kim Heintzman
Minutes - approved from September meeting as presented.
Financials -
- Will be sending 90 quarterly statements
to homeowners who have a balance.
- $185 federal, $30 state taxes have been
- We have not received $75 from homeowner
who broke the gate. This amount is added
to their quarterly statement.
- Moved to put Idaho Power on auto pay
from our checking account. Motion
- Received payment from Jim Barrett for
August and September. Michelle will
send a water shutoff letter to Randy Smith.
Manager’s Report -
- 9/2 the gate was broken.
- 9/5 hydrants were winterized.
- No gates have been broken since the last
- 9/22 road was widened (as much as
allowable with utilities restrictions) at Meadow/Reinhart.
- Jon built 3 new gate arms.
- Jon needs help to trim tree limbs away
from road. . . needs folks with
chainsaws, trailers. Please meet October
16, 2010, 9:00 a.m. at the front gate.
- Danny will paint signs in the next few
Building Plans -
- Richardsons submitted plans for a shed to
be built on their property. The
plan details adhere to CCRs. Moved
and seconded to approve plans.
Motion carried. Wendy will
type approval letter and send to Michelle to put on letterhead and mail.
New Business –
- Reviewed road maintenance/snow removal
bid from Gardner’s. Moved Art and
seconded Danny to approve the bid.
Brent will advise Gardner’s.
Contract will be reviewed by Board before meeting with Gardner’s to
CCR Violation Discussion –
- The Board had a discussion of vehicle and
bulk storage as the Div 1-4 CCRs read.
It was agreed that further discussion/clarification is
necessary. However, we will proceed
to send letters to address noxious debris, etc. to homeowners that have
been identified as violating one or CCRs in this area. Wendy and Art will draft a letter for
approval by the Board.
- The Board will plan a Spring cleanup day.
Next meeting will be November 6, 2010, 8:30 a.m. at Wendy & George
Jeffes’ home.