Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Wendy and George Jeffes’ home
September 11, 2010
8:30 a.m.
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art
Burget, Danny Gurwell, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie
Minutes - approved as
presented from August meeting.
Financial Report -
- Michelle passed out signature cards to
new Board members.
- Michelle asked if we would be taking our
checking account and split it into two additional accounts for subdivision
maintenance and water. At this
time, we will leave the account as is.
- Quarterly statements will go out in
October to residents.
- Taxes were completed. Cost to do taxes has gone up from $350
to $400.
- Overdue water accounts were
reviewed. We have not received an
August payments from Jim Barrett or Randy Smith. Brent will talk to Jim this week and
hand-deliver a letter (Art and Wendy will draft a letter) to address the
delinquent payment. A letter will
be mailed to Randy Smith.
- Roger Jackson made his payment minus the
service charge. The Board will send
his quarterly statement reflecting the service charge from last year, with
current year’s charges.
- Liens were filed on past due
accounts: Vicki Childs ($741.20),
Judith Fulton ($741.20), Lupe Gamboa ($510.00), Jason and Kimberly Rawls
($590.00), Noe and Sherri Ruiz ($741.20), Mark and Patty Schlegel
($1,965.78), Randy and Danna Smith ($2,699.49), Allen and Noralene
Stubblefield ($3,780.00), John Tuck and Jennifer Yonker ($5,012.37), James
Barrett ($4,119.29).
- The Board discussed changing the Bylaws
regarding account payments. We will
need to draft the new verbiage and have a vote of the membership at the
May 2011 annual meeting.
Board nominations/Elections –
- President - Brent Adamson, Vice President
– Art Burget, Secretary – Wendy Jeffes,
Danny Gurwell – Treasurer.
- The Board discussed the Bylaws with
respect to Officer positions and responsibilities.
- The Board discussed paperwork and how to
manage past files, etc. We will
gather the files from past Board members and review within the next couple
months. Art volunteered to store
the files at his cabin. Art and
Wendy will administrate from that point, including scanning documents,
Building Plans –
- McKeown plans – The Board discussed the
background of this case, and how to proceed. We were contacted this month by his
attorney regarding construction of a fence he put up without securing
Board approval. Brent responded to
the attorney’s email advising him that we received the correspondence and
would meet as a Board on September 11 and send a reply. Brent will contact our attorney to draft
a reply on our behalf.
- The Board discussed drafting a letter
with the quarterly billing, addressing the process for making major
improvements, as stated in the CCRs.
Art agreed to draft a letter to this affect, to include with the
- Art also suggested a link on the web site
to record ‘major improvements’ in the subdivision, with submission dates
and updates. He will do a draft for
Board approval, and then submit to Bruce Reichart to post on the web
- The Board discussed sending a letter to
those homeowners who have been identified as proceeding with major
improvements without securing Board approval. Brent will research past letters for
review by the Board, then proceed with notifying these homeowners.
Manager’s Report –
- Jon removed and reinstalled a speed bump
on Reinhart way.
- He installed the water shutoff valve at
Stubblefield’s property.
- Gate was broken August 17, 21, 26,
September 2. Cost to repair each
time is 2+ hrs labor, materials . . . approximately $65. A bill of $75 was sent to one homeowner
who was witnessed as having broken the gate. Art added that he had checked with the
Sheriff’s office for information regarding pursuing criminal charges.
- Water leaks were repaired – one to the
mainline at Aspen Loop and Meadow, one on Grouse, one at the well
site. The bill near the well site will
come to us, but was on homeowner property, so will be passed on to that homeowner.
- Jon sanitized the water tanks at the top
of the hill.
- Jon received 3 quotes for road
enhancements (Reinhart/Meadow). The
Board will inspect the area and discuss before making any improvements.
- Jon did a general inspection of the
subdivision and noted the following CCR violations. Letters will be sent to the
homeowners. Danny Gurwell will go with Jon Long to do
future inspections. The Board also
discussed implementing a fine policy, and will continue
Randolf –
Grouse – unfinished house under construction, construction and other
miscellaneous debris, personal truck parked on nearby lot.
Green - 22
Meadow Dr. – various disabled and/or ’junk’ vehicles on lot, large amounts of
debris including hot tub, fencing, etc.
- 23/29 Willis Way – 2 unfinished homes, construction and other miscellaneous
R. Smith - 13 Willis Way – debris and ‘junk’
K. Camphouse - 17 Willis Way – debris and’junk’
Staneart - 28 Bullpine – unfinished garage, ‘junk’ van
R. Barrett - 90 Meadow Dr. – ‘junk’ car, shipping
container (violation? Board will review)
R. Bates – 99 Meadow Dr. – unfinished house,
construction material
R. Ramisch – unfinished house
R. Hayes – Meadow Dr. – trailer
S. Newman – Triple Ridge – trailer parked on
B. Ayres – Reinhart – abandoned truck
R. Doan – 55 Rosebush – trailer
- Jon would like a work party to clean
limbs encroaching on roadway. Can
we do a Fall clean-up? The Board
will do an email discussion regarding a newsletter, etc. to send with the
quarterly statements.
New Business –
- Gate – The Board discussed the recurring
gate breakage and how to proceed.
We are looking at ways to stop the breakage. Options we’ve looked at are surveillance
cameras, gate improvement, restructuring of the gate. The Board intends to file criminal and
civil charges against gate breakers if the offenders are caught.
- Road Contract – Ad was placed in the Idaho World for bids for the road
contract, with closing date of September 24, 2010.
- Art moved to isolate Loyal Willis’ water
line to supply water only to him, per the original agreement. The other lots will then have to supply
their own water. Jon will
coordinate this work. Motion