Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.
August 6, 2011
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art
Burget, Wendy Jeffes, Dee Woodstrom, Danny Gurwell, Jon
Long, Michelle Savoie, Kathleen Albright
Minutes -
minutes were approved from July 2011 as
Financials –
- Michelle reported on money received this
- Checks were signed.
Building Plans –
- Moved and seconded to approve Albright
building plans (8 Bullpine Rd.) for garage as
- Moved and seconded to approve Kindelberger plans (15 Bullpine
Rd.) for a playhouse, based on proper setback limits from the road.
Manager’s Report -
- Sprayed more noxious weeds during July and
identified other problem areas in the subdivision that still need
attention. In the Spring, need to advise homeowners of their
responsibility to spray their own property, per County Ordinance.
- July 6 repaired back gate (lock),
installed t-posts.
- July 9 replaced subdivision map in
telephone booth.
- July 13 tested fire hydrants.
- Made minor repairs to gate throughout the
- Assisted Brent in doing individual well
water samples. Results should be
back in a couple months.
Old Business –
- The Board is reviewing Idaho Statute
regarding abandoned vehicles and will discuss at an upcoming meeting.
New Business –
- Moved and seconded to move ahead with Art
and Wendy’s suggestion from HOA Firm Vial Fotheringham
to investigate the possibility of combining the subdivision’s CCRs. Motion carried.
Homeowners, please contact the Board if you are interested in
volunteering to work on this committee.
- Moved and seconded to contact Lamond Woods, Sentry West Insurance, to review our
insurance policy and make recommendations for any revisions. Motion carried.
- Discussed three homeowner issues. Two have been tabled. Research will be done on one of the
issues presented, and a report will be made by next month’s meeting.
Next board meeting will be 8:30 a.m. Saturday, September 10, 2011 at
the Jeffes’ residence.