Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.
February 5, 2011
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art
Burget, Danny Gurwell, Wendy Jeffes, Dee Woodstrom, Jon
Long, Michelle Savoie, Rich Pfeifer, George Jeffes
Minutes -
approved as presented from the January
Financials –
- Michelle reported on bills paid for the
month, as well as tax information we sent to employees and contractors.
- Michelle reported that payment from Jim
Barrett has not been received for the month. The Board discussed the circumstances
surrounding this account and our options for collection. Another 48 hour turn-off notice will be
posted immediately, demanding $100 payment in order to avoid water
turnoff. Additionally, Brent will
hand-deliver a monthly letter and invoice, which will outline that he is
the only homeowner we are accommodating in this way; the letter will
outline the steps the Board has taken to collect, and give a deadline for
receipt of payment and subsequent water shutoff date should payment not
received by said date.
- Update on Alan Stubblefield: He told Jon that he would like to make a
payment on his past due water account, which should be received by the HOA
within a few days. He currently has
his water shut off. Jon will advise
him that we are glad to accept payments, and when his account is current,
we will be happy to turn his water back on. He is trying to fix up his home(s) in
order to sell them.
- The Board discussed a bill from Gardners for gravelling, specifically the cost for the
- The Board discussed filing liens, small
claims court, etc. The Board will
continue to research this avenue for collecting debts and discuss at
future Board meetings.
Manager’s report –
- Jon did a check on the wells. They all have clocks, which he monitors
for their run-times. Roads were plowed
on the 13th, graveled on the 16th. On January 25th he dug the
fire hydrants out for access. He
dug out the upper well house and did miscellaneous repairs, including
lighting repairs. He checked the generator
to be sure it is in working order.
New Business –
- A homeowner has requested financial
consideration for storage of Duquette HOA property on his property. Moved and seconded to send a letter to
allow a reduction of $500 when the total amount owing is remitted.
- Next month we will begin discussing the Annual
Meeting. We want to send a mailing
with the next quarterly statement with a newsletter advising of a Spring a cleanup day, request for Board nominations,
possible fine policy, etc.
- Brent will follow up with our attorney
for clarification as we continue discussions to implement a fine policy
for compliance of CCRs.
Next meeting will be Saturday, March 5, 2011, 8:30 a.m. at the Jeffes’