Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.
March 12, 2011
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art
Burget, Danny Gurwell, Wendy Jeffes, Dee Woodstrom, Jon
Long, Michelle Savoie
Minutes -
approved as presented from the February
- Financials – Michelle reported on
the bills paid for the month.
- Quarterly bills will go out in April,
along with a newsletter from the Board.
Manager’s Report
- Jon reported on sanding and plowing for
the month.
- Gate was broken twice in February. The breakage on the 11th required
it be serviced by Overhead Door.
- Jon did maintenance on a culvert, will
need to wait until things thaw to complete the work.
- Phone at the front gate was not working,
so he had Qwest come up and repair the line.
Old Business -
- Yonker/Tuck –
two liened lots owing over $5000 one of the two are
up for sale. Brent reported on
pending County action with regard to taxes owing. We will draft a letter in response to
Mr. Tuck per meeting minutes from February to give financial consideration
for storage of the fire truck.
- The DPHOA fire truck is now titled and
licensed. Brent’s expenses to take
care of this are $100. Art will check
on its salvage value and report back to the Board next month.
Annual Meeting/Newsletter
- Date of annual meeting will be May 27,
2011 7:00 p.m. Michelle will check
availability of the Senior Center.
Saturday, June 4 will be a subdivision-wide cleanup day.
- The Board had a discussion of agenda
items for the annual meeting.
- Financials – will report on
progress of attempts to collect fees and budget since last year. Michelle will compile the budget
information for discussion at next month’s Board meeting.
- Cleanup efforts – progress
since last year.
- Elections – one position
will be open.
- April newsletter information: reminder to submit architectural plans,
noise/respect for private property, annual meeting date/time, cleanup day,
fire discussion. Articles from the
Board need to be circulated among the Board and submitted to Michelle for
inclusion in the April mailing.
New Business –
- Road surface improvements. Jon recommended road base at various
locations throughout the subdivision.
At next month’s meeting, the Board will take a subdivision map and
highlight areas that may need attention, in order of priority, so that
they can be given consideration for improvement.
- Art will research the use of gravel/road
base, etc.
Next Board meeting will be Saturday, April 2, 2011 at the Jeffes’