Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.
May 7, 2011
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Wendy Jeffes, Dee Woodstrom, Jon
Long, Michelle Savoie, Tom Glass
Minutes - minutes were approved from April 2011 as presented.
Financials –
- Michelle presented the bills for the month, and checks that needed
to be signed.
- Budget – Michelle will compile information for the annual
New Business –
- Action item to update language on water valves and installation.
- There was a discussion with a homeowner about a water line on
their private property. We will consult our attorney for clarification on
how to address ownership. There will be a follow-up conversation
regarding electrical costs to the water line when we receive clarification
from the attorney.
Annual meeting-
- The Board will have an email discussion regarding income/expenses
for electrical, roads and water in order to present information at the
annual meeting. Michelle will provide historical data to assist in this
- Presentations will include: annual cleanup information – Wendy,
Accounts receivable – Dee.
Manager’s Report –
- Jon analyzed road problems with Brent and Dee.
- Got a bid from an electrician to add meters at the well house.
- Gate malfunctioned (according to a homeowner with a witness), breaking
their windshield.
- Homeowner request to build a shed – it will adhere to CCRs as to
construction, location and color. Board will send a confirmation letter
to approve.
- There are a couple street signs that need to be replaced or
- Hauled slash to the dump which had been left on the road.
- Dug up water leak and made the repair.
- Jon would like to add a rule to subdivision 4 regarding ATV
- Will be on vacation until May 19. Jim White will be the contact
during this time.
- Road repairs – received 2 bids, ranging from approximately $38,000
to just over $39,000 for the 16 locations noted for repair, which includes
6” of road mix w/fines, transportation and application. Moved Brent and
seconded Wendy to make the proposed repairs, as per Gardner’s bid.
Discussion followed. Motion carried.
- The Board requested that Jon email the Board when grading or
plowing occurs.
- Art will stop at Barren’s to confirm color choice of their shed,
the Board will then send a letter to give approval.