Pines Homeowners Annual Meeting
Boise Basin
Senior Center
May 27, 2011
Attendees: Board Members Brent
Adamson, Art Burget, Dee Woodstrom, and Wendy Jeffes,
Property Manager Jon Long, Treasurer Michelle Savoie Garcia, and
approximately 30 homeowners
Welcome/Opening – Brent
Financial Report and Budget Discussion
– Brent Adamson/Dee Woodstrom
- Brent presented the budget to the
homeowners, with an explanation of how the figures were derived (looking
at 5 years’ expenses). Copy of
budget is attached.
- Dee discussed collections. As of May 17, there were 13 property
owners who were delinquent. Of
those, 5 are making payments (just under $24,000). The Board is using the following
collection strategies: payment
schedules, liens, water shutoff, names being shown on the web site. Dee noted there are currently 152
homeowners in Duquette.
- Dee fielded homeowner questions on
account collections, including liens, foreclosures.
- Brent advised homeowners that the Board
will be checking into the possibility of hiring legal agency
to assist in collecting past due accounts and enforcing CCRs.
Report on Roads, Water and
General Matters
- There was a lengthy discussion regarding
dust abatement and the pros/cons of using different products and their
application, as well as the option of eliminating annual dust abatement. Our road contractor, Neil Gardner gave
input about the use of different products, road types, application and how
products perform after rainfall. Consensus
was that homeowners want dust abatement, and recommended research be done
throughout the year regarding using a different type of product in the
- Brent gave an update on Duquette’s water tanks, indicating that one is
original, from approximately 1975.
It has been repaired several times, and will need to be replaced in
the foreseeable future.
- There was also a discussion about
wells. Some are not performing as
well as they should, and are being monitored. We have money in our water budget to dig
a well should the need arise.
- June 3 & 4, residents may pick up
noxious weed spray at the Boise County Collection Site on Centerville
General clean-up – Wendy
- Wendy discussed the planned subdivision
cleanup for June 4, 2011. Residents
can leave miscellaneous debris (approved for disposal at the Idaho City
dump) at the end of their drive-way to be picked up by volunteers for transport. Homeowners are encouraged to take
advantage of this service. Volunteers
please report to the gate at 10 a.m. that day to assist with the
- Jon reminded the homeowners that burn
permits are now required.
Elections discussion
- Brent discussed process for nominations. All nominees must give consent to run
for election. Please submit
nominations to the Board as soon as possible. Two Board positions are open for
elections. Ballots will be mailed
by June 14th.
Property Owner input
- Art called for a homeowner vote based on the dust
abatement discussion. The first
choice proposed was whether or not to do dust abatement: majority of attendees voted for dust
abatement, one against. Second vote
was to determine whether homeowners prefer using magnesium chloride, or a
more expensive organic option: 12
homeowners for magnesium chloride, 0 against. The Board will proceed as directed by
homeowners with magnesium chloride, and will research products this year.
- There was homeowner conversation regarding disrespectful
ATV usage on Duquette subdivision roads.
- A homeowner voiced concerns regarding an abandoned
vehicle on a nearby lot. The Board
is aware there are several dead vehicles in the subdivision, and have attempted to have offenders remove them. The board encouraged homeowners to
contact EPA and other agencies and submit personal complaints.
adjourned at 8:40 p.m.