Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.

August 4, 2012


Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Dee Woodstrom, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, Lynn Murdoch



·        July minutes were approved as presented.    



·       Financials were not available for this meeting.

·       The Board discussed collecting dues from homeowners who are in arrears.  The properties have already been liened, so the next step would be small claims court.  Brent and Dee will get information on small claims court and bring the paperwork to the next meeting.  The board will discuss at next month’s meeting when Michelle returns and can provide specific financial information.  


Old Business:

·       Brent reported on the quarterly arsenic level.  The maximum contaminant level is 10 PPB (parts per billion).  The recent test was 6.1.  Last quarter’s test was 7.7.  Brent is scheduled to meet with DEQ’s Water Specialist this Fall to determine the next steps. 

New Business:

·       The road contract for the subdivision is up for renewal.  The current contract expires September 30, 2012. The Board reviewed the previous contract and will begin securing bids.  Art requested that a clause be added that the contractor is liable for damage to street signs, property damage, etc. The board will discuss the contract and any possible changes via email.  Dee will post a request for bid in the Idaho World for two concurrent weeks.  Due date for submission of bids will be September 14, 2012.  Art will also post the information on our Facebook page.

·       Moved Burget and seconded Adamson to send a letter to a homeowner who has a water leak.  The letter will include a request to have it fixed within two weeks or the water will be shut off, due to our current water storage problem.  Motion carried.

Manager’s Report

·       Jon made several gate repairs during July.

·       He was advised of a homeowner’s leaking septic drain field by other residents.  He met with the homeowner and repairs have been made. 

·       Jon and Brent inspected the cul-de-sac at the end of Willis Way.  A trailer (noted in previous minutes) was still parked on subdivision property, in spite of requests to have it moved.  A letter will be sent to the homeowner. 

·       Road repairs on Rosebush have been completed, including watering/compacting.

·       Jon requested watering/compacting be done along with the approved repairs from Meadow/Meadow to Rosebush.  Moved Jeffes and seconded Murdoch to add this to the bid.  Motion carried.

·       Jon did weed removal around the front gate. 

·       Jon has been monitoring the subdivision’s water level and the number of hours the pumps are running.  It is varying from 15 to 21 hours a day.  The board discussed the situation and possible causes/remedies.   There was a discussion about the fact that drilling a new well will involve an engineering study, plus the cost of drilling a well (approximately $30,000).  Our current water budget does not allow this kind of expense, and it may require an increase in water dues.


Because DEQ is currently monitoring our water system (which requires a (pending) engineering study), Brent mentioned that the studies can possibly be combined.  He will question DEQ regarding this matter.  The board will also begin researching grants, and encourages homeowners to do the same.


Homeowners are encouraged to be diligent in conserving water. 


The next Board meeting will be held on Saturday, September 1, 2012, 8:30 a.m. at the Jeffes’ residence, 248 Meadow Drive.