Burget's Residence 8:30 a.m.
February 4, 2012
Attendees: Brent
Adamson, Art Burget, Dee Woodstrom, John Long, Michelle Savoie-Garcia.
Financials -
Michelle presented the balance sheet as of today's
date. She discussed the amount of
financial/tax paperwork that she does each year. Art suggested to investigate getting outside
help to do payroll, in the future.
Michelle released three liens.
Michelle stated she received a Bankruptcy Notice.
Checks were signed.
Michelle spoke about credit card payments and that it is
more work that it is worth. The Board
stated that credit card payments would not be an option anymore due to the cost
of fees involved.
Manager's Report-
John gave updates from December to current; burned slash
piles on Lantern Way, had roads graveled twice due to ice, repaired water valve
at 82 Meadow Drive, responded to water leaks at Watson's and Webb's, installed
new Meadow Drive sign on upper portion of the road, had snow plowed, plowed to
widen roads after the heavy snowfall.
John stated he has been doing daily recordings of the run
times and water usages of the wells. He
has over a month of data and hopes that is enough for engineers to be able to
use for their compilation. John
suggested doing preventative work on the well pumps to prolong their life. Art would like to have information on the
financial side of the divisions' water usage to get an idea of how much is
used, on average, per household and what
the costs may be for preventative maintenance.
Old Business-
Brent stated 0.1mg/gl is the current arsenic reading from
the wells and we are within CDH limits.
The faucet and pipe between Zaspels and the well house
was discussed. The faucet is not being
used for anything so John was instructed to remove the pipe and faucet, in the
spring, and cap it off.
New Business-
Art asked about an earlier discussion on the Division 4
property owners, that have their own wells, having their water tested for
arsenic to send along with the community well tests. This would be voluntary and at the owner's
Brent stated to be thinking about topics of discussion
for the annual meeting in May.
CCR's - need to continue working on possible
updates. Discussed possibly having one
set of CCR's for all 4 divisions for uniformity.
Next meeting March 3rd, 2012, 8:30 am at Jeffes' cabin,
248 Meadow Drive.