Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.

March 3, 2012



Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Wendy Jeffes, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie Garcia


Minutes  -   One change was made to February’s meeting minutes.  The minutes were approved as revised.


Financials –

·        Michelle presented the month’s financials and checks were signed. 

·        Michelle gave an update on HOA billings. 


Manager’s Report –

·        Jon ran a test on the emergency generator.

·        He monitored the wells to determine weekly usage.

·        He trimmed low-hanging branches that had been damaged by the snow plow.  He requested assistance on clean-up day to take debris to the burn area.

·        Reported on snow plowing/graveling for the month. 


Old Business –

·        Brent discussed water treatment options and gave updates on the subdivision’s water results. 


New Business –

·        The Board had a preliminary discussion about next year’s budget so this information can be presented at the upcoming Annual Meeting. 

·        Potential topic items for the annual meeting were discussed. 



Next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. at the Jeffes’ cabin, 248 Meadow Drive.