Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Jeffes’ Residence 8:30 a.m.

February 2, 2013


Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Dee Woodstrom, Lynn Murdoch, Wendy Jeffes, Michelle Savoie Garcia, Jon Long, and Homeowner George Jeffes



·       Minutes were approved from December 2012 as presented. 



·       Michelle reported on the financials for the month and presented checks to be signed.

·       She reported on payments received from homeowners from small claims actions.


·       eported on payments received from homeowners from small claims.

·       .

·       The Board discussed contractor bill payment schedule.

·       Michelle will once again represent the Board at Small Claims Court on February 5, 2013 for three homeowners.   Moved Burget, seconded Jeffes, in regards to collections, that all past-due accounts must be brought current by June 30 (the end of the current billing cycle).  Motion carried. 


Manager’s Report

·       Installed 60 snow stakes.

·       Sanded Meadow Drive intersections’

·       Turned off homeowner’s water because they moved’

·       The roads were plowed twice. 

·       He opened a bleeder valve, took care of frozen water pipe’

·       Removed an abandoned snowmobile on Meadow Drive.

·       A water line on Skyline drive is frozen.  There are 4 homeowners without water.  Jon is in the process of coordinating the repair.   Jon and Brent will pursue a expedient solution to this problem today.   

·       Jon read a letter from a homeowner regarding a snowplowing problem.  The Board discussed the issue, as well as snowplowing for the entire subdivision.  Jon asked Gardners to consult with him before plowing to ensure problems are addressed.  Art will advise the homeowner.

·       The Board discussed a homeowner complaint about snowplowing. 


Old Business

·       Brent spoke with DEQ about the water.  A well which had been disconnected years ago has been decommissioned.  Brent explained that we are now back to annual arsenic monitoring.  The problem well is now designated as an emergency well, and we can use it as such. 



The next Board meeting will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. at the Jeffes’ residence, 248 Meadow Drive.