Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Jeffes’ Residence, 8:30 a.m.

June 29, 2013



Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Lynn Murdoch, Wendy Jeffes, Dee Woodstrom, Jon Long, Michelle Savoie-Garcia



·       Minutes were approved from May 2013 Board Meeting and Annual Meeting as presented.



·       Michelle reported on the financials for the month and presented checks to be signed.

·       The new fiscal year begins July 1st; there was a discussion about accounts which still have balances remaining for the current fiscal year, which ends on June 30, 2013.  

·       The new annual invoice will notify homeowners that there will now be an expectation that ¼ of the amount due is payable each quarter or a late fee will be assessed on the delinquent amount.  The Board may also take legal action to collect on past-due accounts.  An insert will be included with the invoice to draw attention to this information.

Manager’s Report:

·       Jon reported on the recent completion of construction work.

·       He did a run test on the generator.

·       He sprayed the subdivision for noxious weeds.

·       He did some roadside brush and tree removal

·       Gardners graded from the gate back to Bull Pine.

·       Jon reported on pre-approved gravel work that was recently completed.

·       He addressed a water problem involving a check valve malfunction.

·       He had a tree cut down within the road easement near electrical lines. 

·       Because of the rainy weather, the dust abatement had to be rescheduled for July 8.


New Business:

·       Nominations for the two open Board positions have been received and ballots will be sent out the second week of July.  Votes will be counted on July 25th. 



The next Board meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m. on August 3rd at the Jeffes’ cabin, 248 Meadow.