Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
November 2nd, 2013
Attendees: Brent
Adamson, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson, Dee Woodstrom, Jon Long and Michelle
Financials – Michelle Savoie-Garcia
Presented the balance sheet as of 11-2-13.
Checks were signed.
List of property owners (14) that haven’t made their
first quarterly payment, liens will be filed.
Small claims were discussed.
Discussion on: once an account goes to small claims, late
fees cannot be removed/waived. Need to set a policy for procedures on late
payments, fees, etc.
Manager's Report- Jon Long
Slash removed on Rosebush.
Recovered the burn piles on Lantern Way.
Roads were graded.
Removed small trees on Rosebush.
Water leak investigation on Skyline Dr.
Gate repairs.
Heat lamp replaced at pump.
Loop that closes incoming gate will be replaced.
Culvert replacement between Bates residence & Zaspel’s. Lynn Murdoch motioned to do the culvert
replacement and repair the gate loop.
Scott Jackson seconded. All ayes,
motion passed.
Will get prices for a camera at the gate.
Old Business-
meeting December 7, 2013, 8:30 am at the Boise Basin Library.