Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Boise Basin Library, Idaho City, 8:30 a.m.

October 5, 2013



Attendees:  Dee Woodstrom, Lynn Murdoch, Jon Long, Scott Jackson, Art Burget, Michelle Savoia-Garcia


·       Michelle presented the Balance Sheet as of October 5th and the Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison 2012 vs 2011. 

·       Checks were signed.

·       Michelle gave an update on HOA payments.  

·       Discussed small claims for December.  Property owners 6 months behind or more will have a lien put on their property.

Manager’s Report by Jon Long:

·       Reported he tested the generator.

·       Repaired gate arms.

·       Sprayed for noxious weeds.

·       Removed slash in various areas of the subdivisons.

·       Discussion on preparing the road for winter, ie; grading of areas of concern, etc. 

New Business:

·       Art gave an update on the Stubblefield discussion he had with our lawyer.  Art stated that we may want to discuss going to another lawyer for HOA items.

·       Gribble property plan review – property owner is requesting to put a shed and carport on his property.  Art motioned, Dee seconded, motion passed.

·       Doyle property – requesting to construct a shed.  Art motioned, Dee seconded, motion passed.

·       Discussed replying to emails from property owners.

·       Art stated the website hosting fees are due 1st of 2014.  He will have the separate host and site billing company combined under one entity.

·       Scott Jackson spoke about the property he purchased in the subdivision and will be building a new home.  He presented a diagram of the lot and where everything will be placed.  Art motioned to approve the plans including the fence.  Lynn seconded, motion passed.

·       Lynn presented information for CCR comparison. 


The next Board Meeting will be held at the Boise Basin Library, 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 2, 2013.