Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
April 5th, 2014

Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson, Dee Woodstrom, Art Burget, Jon Long and Michelle Savoie-Garcia. 

Financials - Michelle Savoie-Garcia 

·        Presented Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison as of 4-4-14 and Balance Sheet as of 4-5-14.

·        Sent out newsletter to property owners.

·        Cluster mailbox discussion. 

·        Filed federal reports.

·        Quarterly HOA fees reminders are working well – discussed outstanding fees.

·        Quickbooks auto renewal.

·        Checks were signed.

Manager's Report - Jon Long

·        Ran generator for testing.

·        Shut off well #1.

·        Had roads graded.

·        Spoke about homeowners waterlines that froze.

·        Culvert work was done near the Bates/Zaspels property.

·        Repaired gate twice and installed a new gate arm.

·        Removed most snow stakes.

·        Replaced the overhead light at the gate.

·        Received money from a person who broke the gate.

·        Talked about putting gravel on the corner of Meadow Drive and Lantern Way.

·        Wants to replace a culvert near Bates property.  Lynn Murdoch motioned to replace the culvert.  Scott Jackson seconded.  All ayes, motion passed.

·        Jon spoke about under-aged, unlicensed drivers in the subdivision.

New Business-

Discussion for the annual meeting:

·        Mailbox cluster discussion (include fees).  Brent will check on costs of the boxes and talk to the Post Office person again.  Jon will get an estimate on the cost of a shelter for the cluster of boxes.    

·        Fire danger – the Board will have firewise packets to hand out at the meeting.  The Board discussed having a non-board committee to head the project. The Board discussed being proactive and put up posters at the gate on being fire safe. 

·        Clean up day – this will be the day after the annual meeting.  The focus will be on trees along the roadways and Jon will start clearing trees.

·        Lynn asked if the Board had any information about annexation or area of impact proposed by the City of Idaho City.  Brent spoke about what he knew from the County Commissioner meeting where this subject was discussed.


Old Business-

·        Discussion on CCR’s.

·        Need to review the welcome packet.

·        Wells will be tested in May. 

·        Brent talked about the private well and that we would need to have an engineer’s review.  Art stated to move forward or forget it.  Brent stated he would prefer to do a treatment facility and will talk to DEQ about this.   

Next Board meeting:  May 3, 2014, 8:30 am at the Boise Basin Library.