Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
August 2nd, 2014
Attendees: Brent
Adamson, Diane Cowles, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson and Jon Long.
Financials - Lisa Kindelberger
financials and reviewed reports. Lisa is
on vacation.
Manager's Report - Jon Long
· Ran the backup
· Checked well
· Cleaned up the
burn area.
· Installed speed
· Investigated
potential water leak.
Old Business
Discussed election
results. Diane Cowles is the new board
member. Alternate position to be
determined based on discussion with write-in nominations. Officers determined based on motion by Lynn
Murdoch and second by Diane Cowles:
Brent Adamson (President), Art Burget (Vice President), Lynn Murdoch
Discussed correction and
approval of June meeting minutes.
· Lantern Way gate discussion – Board directed
Jon to remove no trespassing sign facing into subdivision and leaving large
gate open in the winter.
· Willis Way – Board (as a first step) agreed to send a
letter to Mr. Stubblefield discussing the nuisance of the piles of debris in
his yard. The letter will request that
he clean up the mess.
New Business
· Board discussed
drafting verbiage for addition to the welcome packet and to the next newsletter
regarding use of our subdivision roads.
After some discussion the
board agreed the gate code will not be changed this year.
Next Board meeting: Sept 6, 2014 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin
Library, Idaho City.